32 reports found

Births Indicators at Detail

Birth Indicators at Detail

This application allows you to review the distribution of different birth related indicators among characteristics of the mother and of the delivery.

Data apostrophe

Some text

Data no apostrophe

Some info

Distribuição geográfica por causas de morte

Distribuição geográfica por causas de morte

Firecracker injuries in the Philippines

Firecracker injuries in the Philippines

Geographic Distribution of Birth Indicators

Geographic Distribution of Birth Indicators

This application displays the geographic variations in Mexico of different birth indicators.
Select the indicator you wish to visualise with the red filter
After making your selection, click Update to refresh the map and chart.


Mortalidade detalhada por causas

Este aplicativo exibe as estimativas de mortalidade do estudo “Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 (GBD 2017)” para o Brasil, nos níveis nacional e Unidade da Federação, organizados em três níveis de causa de morte.

NCD Mobile Phone Survey

Smoking, Alcohol and Hypertension

Example Story for the NCD Mobile Phone Survey.
You can visualize the information for a different sex by selecting it in the orange box and clicking Update

To be removed:

To keep:


Test italics

New NCD Mobile Phone Survey

Smoking, Alcohol and Hypertension

Example Story for the NCD Mobile Phone Survey.
You can visualize the information for a different sex by selecting it in the orange box and clicking Update

Principais causas de morte

Destaca-se as 10 principais causas de óbitos segundo grupos demográficos e UF, podendo-se também serem feitas comprações no período de 1990 e 2017.

test report

This is the description

This is a test report

Description of the new report





